What Floor Mat Service Does for New Jersey Businesses

What Floor Mat Service Does for New Jersey Businesses

Does your New Jersey business really need a professional floor mat service provider? It’s easy to assume that a floor mat rental service is just excessive. A common myth is that it’s something reserved for a massive business complex that goes through hundreds of mats. What could a floor mat service provider do that you can’t possibly get from owning your own mats? A lot, in fact. Read on to learn what they are:

1. Keeps the cost of your floor mat supply and maintenance low.

An average floor mat lasts between 1 and 3 years. This lifespan, however, depends on a couple of factors like placement, foot traffic, and maintenance. Mats in busier areas, like entryways and workstations, are more likely to have a shorter lifespan than others. A regular business can, therefore, expect to spend on mat replacement every two years or so. It does not sound like much, but it can all add up. A floor mat rental service gives your New Jersey business a more flexible option for your floor mat supply spending.

2. Ease in maintaining your floor mats.

Floor mats require regular maintenance to keep them safe and effective. It’s not quite as simple as pressure-washing them every now and then. That’s where a floor mat service proves beneficial. A floor mat service includes regular pickup and replacements for your dirty floor mats. You need to do nothing more than receive your deliveries, place the mats, and perform daily dusting. No washing and no drying. Therefore, there’s no added burden to you or your employees.

3. Stabilizes your floor mat supply with ease.

Some New Jersey days are just dirtier than others. This causes you to use more floor mats than usual. Or your business is just more hectic than usual for whatever reason. Between keeping your business running and your business space clean, squeezing in your mat cleaning can be a stretch. That’s something a mat rental service can help solve. With a reliable mat rental service provider, you can rest easy knowing that your floor mats will arrive clean and ready.

New Jersey Floor Mat Rental Service Guide: What to Look for in a Service Provider

Deciding on getting mat rental services is only half the victory. The bigger question now is where to get your New Jersey mat rental service from. Here’s a short checklist to keep handy:

  • Professional Mat Service Experience. Mat service is more than just delivering and picking up floor mats. That is why experience is essential. It determines not only how good the floor mat quality is going to be, but it is also your best assurance for the efficiency and quality your business needs. 
  • Safety Assurance. The quality of your floor mats can either contribute to or hinder your floor safety efforts. That is why it is essential to look into whether or not your floor mat service provider offers mats with NFSI certifications.
  • Reputable Track Record. It is also important to look into a service provider’s reputation. A little background check should give you an idea of whether or not they deserve your trust.

Start Your New Jersey Mat Rental Service Today!

Get better solutions for your business’s floor mat supply needs today with Garden State Mat Rental! Get in touch with us by calling 1-800-486-1581 or fill out this form and we’ll get back to you promptly.